Job Placements is the sister site to Executive Placements, the premier job board in South Africa for executive-level positions.


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Job Placements is privately owned, totally independent and operates internationally. We operate in South Africa, UK, most of Africa and the Middle East.

For recruiters, Job Placements gives you access to the best talent available. In addition to our large database of candidates, you can also uncover niche, rare skills that are difficult to find on other job boards.

Candidates now have one central point to link to search firms and high-end recruiters worldwide.

How does ExecutivePlacements differ from JobPlacements?
ExecutivePlacements has been designed for executives working in upper management. Later JobPlacements was launched in response to a strong demand for a network better suited to middle and lower level management.

ExecutivePlacements thus remains a network of executives and executive recruiters.

Q2. Is Job Placements a recruiter?
No. Job Placements is a job board focussing on job seekers earning under R600k pa.

Q3. Why should I register with Job Placements?
1) In registering with us, you become visible to thousands of recruiters.

2) As a member of Job Placements you will only need to keep your details updated in one place. Multiple recruiters will be able to access your profile from there.

3) You will receive notification of available positions that meet your search criteria at intervals of your choosing.